T-Shirt Sale

Waterside Village Embroidered T-Shirt Sale

Waterside Village will be selling women’s and men’s T-shirts with the Waterside Village logo embroidered on the left breast of the shirt.

Color options are White, Navy and Gray with either white or navy embroidery. See the attachment for the logo on each color shirt.

You can come to the clubhouse to try on shirts, see the colors and place your order at the following times:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays -Jan.20, 22, 27, 29, 4:30-5:30pm
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays – Jan. 21, 23, 28, 30, 10-11am
  • You are welcome to contact Judy Kelly to make arrangements to see the shirts at other times beginning Jan 20th. 610-763-6291

If you place your order at any other time, order forms are available in the clubhouse notebook under the information board, or you can print the order form attached. Place your order form along with a check made out to Diana George or cash in an envelope. Please indicate in the memo of your check “WV T-Shirts”. Mark the envelope “WV T-Shirts” and your name. Place in the lockbox.

All orders and payment are due by January 31, 2025.

We need a minimum of 24 orders to place our order.

Proceeds will go to the Social Committee so they can continue to offer activities and events for our Waterside Village Community.

T-shirts should arrive by the first week of March 2025. When they arrive, we will send out dates and times that the T-Shirts will be available to pick up at the Clubhouse.

Logo Samples

Embroidered T-Shirt ORDER FORM

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